Monday, 19 July 2010

They're tiny, they're toony, they're all a little looney

I should have mentioned this sooner, but I am not always thinking.

CBBC have set up a new website for short films aimed at children, and our funny old poo film was one of the films to launch the site! The website is called My Toons, and it is to be found here. The idea is that the films shown are short, fun things, and if they are successful on the website, the lovely BBC will consider putting them on television. If that happened to our poo film, I would say "wowee" very loudly and excitedly. It is a cool website, and has a lot of really good stuff on it. I especially like Simon's Cat, and also The Imp, because it has such a cool style, and there was one of dancing gorillas, which I wish had been longer. It has good stuff on it!

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Say the right thing when electioneering part 2

I find promoting our film really hard and a bit annoying. I like entering in festivals, but when I get there I am quite shy. We were lucky to have Tom with us at the Limelight Awards, cos he was the one who made us get our photo taken. Tom is really good with things like that. I am just good at drawing. I am not even good at telling people I know that we won something.

But here we are again! We've entered A Film about Poo into the Virgin Media Shorts competition, and it would be lovely to be shortlisted. To get shortlisted you need to have lots of views and lots of comments on your film. So, although it's a bit vulgar to ask, would anyone like to watch our film and then write something nice? Anyone? Anyone?

Here is the link:

Here's a picture of Thumper.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

The stars of track and field

Yeah!!!!!! We toddled along to the Troxy in East London the other night for the Limelight Awards. And guess what - we won the award for Best Animation for A Film about Poo. Happy happy joy joy!

Ours was the first award given out, Emily had managed to get lost (despite working in East London - although to be fair this was Limehouse rather than Shoreditch), and I was a bit worried that she would not make it in time, although not that worried because I didn't think we were going to win. But she got in, and fifteen minutes later they called out our names! Up we went to the stage, managed to babble a thanks, managed to forget to thank either Billy, Tom or Dayo (d'oh), and collected our big fat statue. It is nice and heavy and it says the name of our film. It's a strangely pouting face, you can see us clutching it in the picture below...

Ah, lovely! I look like a bit of idiot with my sunglasses on my head (I forgot they were there), but doesn't Dayo look smart? We also filmed some video babbling for the Limelight website, although it truly was ridiculous babbling, even more dappy than usual, so I would not be suprised if it did not make the cut, ahem.

Anyways, many thanks to the Limelight team for a great night, and thank you for choosing our film! Whee!!