Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Tate Collective Project

Anne and myself have been busy bees recently what with workshops and such. We very much enjoyed working with the Tate Collective of 2012, a group of talented young artistes.
We used our animation and film knowledge to assist them in creating a short and fun experimental film for the Tate Liverpool.  There was plenty of ideas from one and all and some great animation had, from paper cut out butterflies on a skies of blue, to face painted body parts escaping gallery walls. Here's a couple of clips from the sessions:


Wednesday, 3 October 2012

See you gotta work it out

Emily and I have recently been accepted onto this new pilot scheme called FilmWorks. It's a development/mentoring programme for producers/directors who have made a start and got into festivals and whatnot, and are looking for the next step. So that's us to a tee! haha.

The programme has three divisions based in Sheffield, Nottingham and Bristol, with 15 participants at each hub; we're in Sheffield. It all kicked off at Encounters Short Film Festival in Bristol, with a live stream of events. Each session will take place at a different hub, with a different masterclass being streamed and beamed across the miles for everyone to see. Modern technology...

We met the other participants at the first session a couple of weeks ago, and have since attended the second. The programme runs until Christmas, and our plan is to use it to develop at least one of the many ideas lodged in our heads, with hopefully an animatic and a full creative package ready to show off by the end.

Along the way, both Emily and I are blogging about the experience - as indeed are all FilmWorks participants - so, in case you're interested, you can read more about my thoughts here, and Emily's thoughts here. And why wouldn't you be interested, when all of our thoughts are so interesting?

Monday, 1 October 2012

Dance, dance dance

Hooray for Raindance! We had our screening on Saturday and it was much fun. Some great films were seen by all. A particular favourite of mine was Joseph Pierce's latest film The Pub, you can watch a trailer for it here

Also I loved this vegetable number, dancing vegetables!! Florette, when broccoli meets aubergine. A lovely and funny animation by Gus Filgate & Paul Miller.