Saturday, 29 December 2012

Festivals for the New Year

It's London Short Film Festival in a few days, and Hum is showing twice! We're screening as part of the general mixture of short films and whatnot on Thursday 10th January 2013, and then again as part of the Rich Picks programme. Rich Picks is very interesting, as this time around it is a selection of films about sleep paralysis. We sent off Hum, which is, er, partially about sleep paralysis, and thankfully we got in. I would have been quite sad if we hadn't, as the subject matter is so niche!

Also, whilst we are screening twice, we are actually screening two different versions of the film. In the main screening is the original version of Hum, but for the Rich Picks screening we entered a new edit. I would call it a directors' cut, but that suggests it is longer (as generally it tends to be with directors' cuts) - but in fact it is shorter, haha. It's a jerkier, more abstract edit which we wanted to have a go with, and we're quite pleased with how it turned out.

Anyway, Emily will be presenting the film at the Festival, so that's nice, and here are the details for the Rich Picks screening, which is also supported by the Wellcome Trust:

Hum is also showing at - for I think the third year in a row! - at Lightspielklub Short Film Festival's programme of British Shorts. The Festival takes place in Berlin in the New Year, and you can see more about it (including a very nice festival poster) if you click here.

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