Wednesday 24 February 2010

Haiti Kids Kino

Got an email from Encounters Short Film Festival the other day. They're curating a screening for the Haiti Kids Kino, and are including A Film about Poo. I'd not heard of the Haiti Kids Kino before, but basically it is amazing in every single way. The charity is setting up cinema screens in Haiti and showing films, partly to provide childcare facilities, but also to give the children something to do. They are also going to be showing the children how to make their own films, so they are looking for donations of equipment and such. Me and Emily just think it's a really, really kind idea. I guess if you are a very irritating person, you are probably thinking the children need something more substantial than movies right now, but as the charity says, it's about an escape from their troubles, and something fun to do, and that's just as important.

If you'd like to donate to the charity, have a click here.

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