Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! from Emily&Anne on Vimeo.
Sunday, 25 December 2011
Sunday, 11 December 2011
I paint the things I want to see
I forgot to put these up sooner, but last week I did my final shift on the final day of Cornerhouse's Sketch-o-matic. Here are two of my favourite sketches from the day:
The second guy came in with the cigar, and just posed for the 5-ish minutes. Very prepared.
There's talk of the Sketch-o-matic appearing elsewhere next year, so I hope to be involved then, because I really had fun!
Friday, 2 December 2011
I'm not about to expect something more
How supercool! I just stumbled across a mention for my zine Expectations. Apparently Rotherham Zine Library have a copy, and they have written some nice things about it. I do know of Rotherham Zine Library, and I even remember meeting a couple of representatives at Victoria Baths Zine Fair, but I had completedly forgotten they had a copy! Well well, it is nice to read something nice. You can read the mention here, and buy a copy of said zine here. And you can see a picture of one of the illustrations from!
Thursday, 1 December 2011
Their models drawn on a charcoal sketch
I think I may have forgotten to mention this...but this week I am taking part in a really cool project at Cornerhouse in Manchester. It's called Sketch-o-matic! I am one of several artists taking part, and the idea is that we have 5 minutes to draw someone who sits in front of us, in a booth. It's a bit like a passport photo booth type thing. The booth is really cool, it looks like this:
I did my first shift on Tuesday, and it was very fun. I sit on one side, and the sitter sits on the other. There is glass between us, but the glass is one way so they cannot see me! The put £1 in a slot, and I turn a dial as I draw so that the sitter knows when I have finished the drawing. I pop it outside, and they take it, and everyone is happy.
I did 15 drawings on Tuesday. Here are three of them, because I only remembered to take photos of three of them...
I was really happy with the first one especially, of the mother and baby. I don't think I've drawn a baby on location before, in fact I don't think I've drawn many babies at all ever. This baby was especially happy and gurglely and was laughing and smiling the whole time. Each drawing took about 5-10 minutes.
I am going to be back at Cornerhouse for some more Sketch-o-matic fun this Sunday 4th from 6-7pm and again from 9-10pm, so please come and let me draw you! Here is a nice link with some more information.
Friday, 25 November 2011
There's a rhythmic ceremonial ritual coming up
We did a music video a little while ago for Jumeee, R'nB popstar and dance choreographer extraordinaire, and he's releasing the single today. The song's called Back To The Future, and the video has already been featured on both Radar Music Video and Directors Notes, yes! Jumeee also recently performed the song at Westfield shopping Centre - the new one in Stratford I think - and won a competition for some recording time. Hooray for Jumeee. Would you like to see and listen...?
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Live in trees, chew on feet, watch Lost on cable
Some artwork from our new set of Lost postcards, drawn by me and Emily...
We'll be selling the postcard at Leeds this weekend, and hopefully they'll be up on our Folksy shop soon. They are a set of 11, and include Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Sayid, John, Ben, Juliet, Charlie, Claire, Rousseau and Hurley. Emily and I love Lost! We've been meaning to do something like this for over a year, and we finally got them done! Hurrah.
Everyday I write the book
This last week, in between animating on the new film, I've been putting together lots of new zines, magnets, flipbooks, and postcards. It's all in preparation for the Leeds Thought Bubble Comic Con, which is where I shall be this Saturday and Sunday. Come and see me! I will be in Saviles Hall near Clarence Dock, which is the smaller of the two halls where there will be in total 300 stalls selling sequential art! Here's a picture from my new flipbook to entice you:
craft fair,
les animaux etranges,
les petits chiens,
now we are,
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
You stole the sun from my heart
Earlier this year, Emily and I worked on the new film by director Charlotte Boulay-Goldsmith, called The Man with the Stolen Heart. We setup the character rigs in After Effects, took ages, but it's a lovely looking film and is now complete! It's about a sad man who loses his heart only to find that someone else is using it. It's got a real painterly look, very sketchy too.
The film's shown at a few festivals already, but it's showing this week at Encounters in Britsol, which is very cool. Emily is there this week at the festival, so if you see her say hello!
The film's shown at a few festivals already, but it's showing this week at Encounters in Britsol, which is very cool. Emily is there this week at the festival, so if you see her say hello!
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Should you plan to travel way down South...
Nest will be at the South East London Zine Fair this Saturday, and Reena, as ever, shall be selling some of our zines, including Les Petits Chiens en Costume, Les Animaux Etranges, and A Book about Poo. The event is on at the Amersham Arms, and more details can be found here.
Emily and I are beavering away at the moment on some new stuff to sell at this month's Thought Bubbble comic con in Leeds (as well as working on our film...quite busy!), so I will post some pictures of things once they are made, which will
les animaux etranges,
les petits chiens,
Saturday, 5 November 2011
If you really loved me you'd buy me the Great Pyramid. Oh, I'm so forgetful, you already did
A little while ago Emily and I were contacted by Emily Alexander at the Old Fire Station in Oxford, which is a new shop/gallery/cafe/studio/theatre/exciting space. We sent off a package of things, and now those things are being sold. The shop has its grand opening today in Oxford, and they are selling zoetropes, flipbooks, and Les Petits Chiens en Costume zine all handmade by us. They are also selling lots of other really pretty things. If anyone wants to buy me a present, pretty much everything on their blog looks lovely, but definitely the pouffe by Fun Makes Good.
Anyway! The shop is at the Old Fire Station, 40 George Street or Gloucester Green, Oxford OX1 2AQ. Hooray!
Anyway! The shop is at the Old Fire Station, 40 George Street or Gloucester Green, Oxford OX1 2AQ. Hooray!
Friday, 4 November 2011
When mama was moth
We finished our stop motion shoot today, and we actually managed to do all the shots we planned. We then started working on a few experimental, unplanned shots when our new strobe light broke. Stupid strobe light. However, before it broke the strobe light did help us light this linetest of a moth, which we are quite pleased with:
Here is a photo of the moth model when he is not flapping about:
Here is a photo of the moth model when he is not flapping about:
I didn't enjoy making the moth much. I hate moths a lot, and to make this one I had to look at a lot of pictures of moths in close up. It was disgusting.
digging deep,
short film
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
I'll take the high road from factory to factory
This week we've been doing some stop motion work, using the green screen studio at Factory in Manchester. I am pleased to say that I didn't mess up the oil pastel animation - well there's a bit of a funny bump, but we've decided it is part of the charm! We've been doing lots of paper cut out animation too, and some experiments with a strobe light which we are very pleased with.
Does this drawing here look scary to you? I hope it does at least a little.
Saturday, 29 October 2011
I recollect the violence of the struggle
Here's another linetest from the new film...
We did this in TV Paint and comped it in After Effects. It's not done - definitely not done - but the main animation is.
We did this in TV Paint and comped it in After Effects. It's not done - definitely not done - but the main animation is.
Friday, 28 October 2011
An empty space to fill in
Still working on the new film, and here is a nice oil pastel drawing from it. We've decided to do a couple of sequences hand drawn with oil pastel. I've not finished the first sequence yet, but I think I'm going to need to buy some more pastels! I had forgotten how long it takes colouring by hand onto paper. The last time I did this was for my graduation film... It's straight-ahead rather than keyframe animation because I'm drawing straight into an old, found book. Hope I don't mess it up...
And here's Emily!
She's cutting out and making a paper model in this picture. Using her magic powers, Emily then makes the paper model actually glow...
Amazing. What will the paper models be in the film? They will be mountains of course.
digging deep,
short film,
sun in the night time
Thursday, 27 October 2011
Now I'm all in a muddle
In frankly awesome news, Muddle Earth, which I animated on last year, has been nominated for a BAFTA! It's up for a Children's Award in Animation. Wow wow wow! Congratulations to Sarah Muller, Phil Chalk, Vinnie James and everyone else who made Muddle Earth so ace to work on. Hope we win!!!
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
I'm a festival, I'm a parade
Emily and I are back back back from Anim'est in Romania, and it was great! We saw so many good films, and met many nice and friendly animators. We also ate pig fat, which is apparently part of the Romanian cuisine. We also stroked a stray dog. We also saw lots of cool sights in Bucharest, including lots of Orthodox churches, and some very pretty cobbled streets with bars and boutiques. We both really enjoyed ourselves, and everyone at Anim'est was so welcoming and kind. It was brilliant! I hope we get to go back some day.
As I mentioned, we saw some great animations, and here are a few of our favourites...
A Morning Stroll from Studio AKA:
As I mentioned, we saw some great animations, and here are a few of our favourites...
A Morning Stroll from Studio AKA:
Out Of A Forest by Tobias Gundorff Boesen (one of our new friends, and what great music taste...):
And also Overcast by Velislav Kazakov, who was in our screening, and was also very lovely to meet. You can see his animation here.
Thanks again to all at Anim'est for looking after us. Good luck with the festival for next year, and I hope we'll be back!
film festival,
music video,
short film,
spin spun span
Monday, 17 October 2011
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
I'm on a plane, I can't complain
Ta-ra! Emily and I are on a plane right now (hopefully), on our way to Romania for Anim'Est 2011, a lovely animation festival who have decided to show Spin Spun Span. We were invited to go the festival, so off we have gone. I love Eastern European animation, so am really looking forward to seeing some unusual stuff you don't see so much in the Western festivals. Neither of us have ever been to Romania either, so it will be nice to look around somewhere different. I think this is probably one of the last festival appearances for Spin Spun Span. Hopefully this time next year we'll be taking our new film out and about.
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Got me a movie, I want you to know
Very happily, Emily and I have won funding to make a new film. It will be our third film, and the second to be funded, which is great. Cornerhouse, Mackinnon & Saunders and Vision & Media are the generous people helping us out. We've been working on it for quite a few weeks, but didn't want to post something until we were a bit further down the line. The film's story was partly inspired by our colleague Nikky Norton, who is a poet and playwright also based in Manchester...but the exact narrative details will be a surprise! However I will say that it is an abstract, experimental film.
I will try and post regular updates in between the actual animating, and here is the first: a little linetest. Don't blink or you'll miss it. (I probably should have put it on a loop!)
I will try and post regular updates in between the actual animating, and here is the first: a little linetest. Don't blink or you'll miss it. (I probably should have put it on a loop!)
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
She is somewhere in the city
Sheffield Zine Fair was super cool, and for once we took some photos of our stall:
We met lots of nice people, including another illustrator called Anne, who not only spelt her name correctly, but was also born the right side of the 80s. This is very unusual, we both agreed. Most Annes you meet are either school teachers, librarians, or council workers, and they are in their 50s, and often have no 'E'. I bought a two-headed stegosaurus necklace from Anne, (a.k.a Annie Atkinson of Caribou) and she bought a zoetrope from us.
We also sold out of our new zine, Les animaux etranges! We shall make another batch and get it into the shop as soon as we can.
Monday, 19 September 2011
You win gold medals for when you're with me
On Saturday Billy and I went to Screen Stockport Film Festival, and guess what! We won three awards! We won third place in the Best Animation category as chosen by the jury, plus Most Original Concept and Most Original Soundtrack as chosen by the Festival Selection Committee, all for Spin Spun Span. As you can see from the picture below, I am very pleased about this, as is Billy and Emily.
As Emily took possession of the last award we won, I will keep the medal, and probably wear it around the house as I please. As an extra piece of fun, we also got to take home a couple of Screen Stockport mugs. They look like this:
IT'S CHARLIE FROM LOST! As soon as Billy and I arrived at the Festival, we spotted Charlie on their poster. We later found out that Dominic Monaghan's image is appropriate as he grew up around Stockport: it makes so much sense now! A Lost-related endorsement just makes Screen Stockport even cooler, and I love the medal, and three awards is just amazing. Thanks to the judges, and especially John, Joe and Rosemary for creating such a great event!!
film festival,
spin spun span
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Pretty bird, pretty bird, why you so still?
We're working on a couple of animation and illustration projects at the moment, but none of them are really at the point where we can show anything moving, which is frustrating. However, here is a sneak peek of something we're in the middle of:
It's just a little personal project we're doing in our spare time, but hopefully we will be finishing it in the next few weeks and have something more exciting to show!
It's just a little personal project we're doing in our spare time, but hopefully we will be finishing it in the next few weeks and have something more exciting to show!
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
So I'll be holding my note and stomping and strumming and feeling so very lucky
More exciting news for the Back To The Future music video! Our work has been featured on Directors Notes, a website dedicated to independent filmmaking. I did an interview podcast with MarBelle from the website a few years ago for Sun in the Night Time, and now he's decided to put up a post about our music video for Jumeee. You can read it here. And in fact, I just did a little bit of scrabbling around, and you can still read the post on Sun in the Night Time, right here. I wouldn't recommend listening to it though, because my voice is just so annoying.
Friday, 9 September 2011
And where do we feature?
Excitingly, supercool music video website Radar Music Videos have decided to feature two of our films on their homepage! Check out Spin Spun Span and the music video we did for Jumeee right here. Whoop! And thank you to Caroline at the website for picking us.
Sunday, 28 August 2011
Working the village shop, putting a poster up
Our Folksy online shop is now, finally, stocked up with some stuff! We've got zines and books, magnets, postcards - all the sorts you would expect from Emily and I. Come buy here!
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
On a street that comes and goes by the name of buy and sell
Emily and I are going to do a stall at the Sunday Market sometime in the next couple of months. It's a monthly craft fair at the Islington Mill in Manchester. In the meantime please enjoy this lovely poster:
Monday, 8 August 2011
It sells on market stalls, parades Milan catwalks
Emily and I will be selling more stuff at some more fayres coming up soon. The usual zines and whatnot will be available at:
Lawrence Batley Theatre Summer Fayre in Huddersfield on Saturday 13th August
Sheffield Zine Fair on Sunday 25th September
And then we've got a big one lined up in Leeds in November, but that's ages away. These will do for now!
Lawrence Batley Theatre Summer Fayre in Huddersfield on Saturday 13th August
Sheffield Zine Fair on Sunday 25th September
And then we've got a big one lined up in Leeds in November, but that's ages away. These will do for now!
Friday, 5 August 2011
London calling
We're very happy to say that Spin Spun Span has been selected for the British Showcase strand at this year's London International Animation Festival! Apparently looooads of films were entered, but we are one of the lucky 15 to be screening! Also in the 15 are two filmmakers I know, Julia Pott, who we both graduated with, and Linda McCarthy, a fellow Northern animator. I am pleased we are keeping good company. The screening is the 1st September, but the whole Festival runs from the 26th August. You can find out more and buy tickets if you so wish here.
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
1-2-3-4-5-6-7, all computers go to heaven
Our new website is up! All our latest work is now online: our shorts films, our freelance bits - some directed by us, some simply animated - and even a new gallery of our illustration work. Come take a look!
Thursday, 14 July 2011
Buy it, use it, break it, fix it
Spin Spun Span screened in NYC earlier this week, and it looks like it was a lovely summer evening:
In other news, our website is sooo close to being updated... It's actually sort of online now, except that I messed up the video encoding, and so you can't see any of our animated work moving! Which is the main event, and so defeats the purpose. Sigh. I am going to fix it hopefully tonight or tomorrow; either way there really, hopefully, should be - fingers crossed - a new Emily & Anne website up and working by Monday.
Thursday, 7 July 2011
Now there's no leaving New York
You probably don't live in New York, but if you did I would recommend that you go to Telegraph 21/Shooting People's summer short screenings. Rather delightfully, they are showing Spin Spun Span! I am always happy and surprised that Spin Spun Span apparently translates. It seems such a distinctly British film to me, and especially so Northern given its subject matter, but it has shown at quite a few international venues so far. It's also been accepted into a couple of big festivals recently, but I don't think I'm meant to mention specifics until they finalise their programmes, but rest assured they are good screenings!
I will stop blowing my own trumpet now.
I will stop blowing my own trumpet now.
film festival,
new york,
short film,
spin spun span
Monday, 4 July 2011
Our aspirations are wrapped up in books
The Bradford Zine Fayre was a big success, and a really lovely day - I've got the pictorial proof:
I'm hoping to book some more zine fayres for later this year...but in the meantime, Emily and I need to make a film...
Friday, 1 July 2011
1, 2, 3, 4, tell me that you love me more
Emily and I have made an entry for this year's e4 ident competition, soundtracked by Puppet Orchestra as always. Would you like to see it? If you click this, then you can! And if you like it, you can click the "yay" rating. If you don't like it, you can click the "nay" button, but I wouldn't recommend that.
Thursday, 30 June 2011
Everybody loves to love a winner
...Well not quite a winner, but a runner-up, for Spin Spun Span was shortlisted for Shooting People's May Film of the Month prize, thanks to many people's nice votes. The top three were judged by filmmaker Lena Dunham, and whilst she did not choose us as her number one, she said:
“Evocative, feels handmade in just the right way. Very lovely.”
Thank you kindly, Lena Dunham.
“Evocative, feels handmade in just the right way. Very lovely.”
Thank you kindly, Lena Dunham.
Friday, 24 June 2011
Put the book back on the shelf
We're going to be at two zine fayres coming up in the next two weeks. The first is tomorrow: Zine Fest at the Women's Library in London. Reena will be hosting the Nest stall, which will have some of our zines and whatnot, and in fact I believe Editions of You will also be there with a stall and copies of A Book about Poo and Now We Are. Domination!
The second event is the Bradford Zine Fayre, a week tomorrow on the 2nd July, and appropriatey held in Bradford. I will be hosting the stall there, and selling our zines, including the new titles Expectations and Hentakoi. We'll also have some zines by our friends, including Reena's new one, Eight Meals a Day. Here's some pictures from the new zines...
Hentakoi: colourful drawings of good spirits.
Expectations: colour and black and white portraits of girls at school.
Eight Meals a Day: black and white on coloured paper, drawings of good food.
The second event is the Bradford Zine Fayre, a week tomorrow on the 2nd July, and appropriatey held in Bradford. I will be hosting the stall there, and selling our zines, including the new titles Expectations and Hentakoi. We'll also have some zines by our friends, including Reena's new one, Eight Meals a Day. Here's some pictures from the new zines...
Hentakoi: colourful drawings of good spirits.
Expectations: colour and black and white portraits of girls at school.
Eight Meals a Day: black and white on coloured paper, drawings of good food.
As a side note, our online shop is super-close to being up and running, so soon you will be able to buy these treats online as well as at various fayres... Soon-ish.
Monday, 20 June 2011
Underground, overground
We won Best London Filmmakers! Thank you very much to the Wimbledon Shorts judges. Spin Spun Span's first award, hooray!!
The judges said the film was "Glorious, charming and very enjoyable". Very happy.
film festival,
short film,
spin spun span
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
Just being around you offers me another form of relief
Short notice here, but we've got a screening of the Poo film tomorrow in South London. Roto Reliefs will be showing our animation alongside some live actions shorts at the Roxy from 7pm. Here's a poster to prove it:
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
We make the dirt go flying with the shovels and hoes
What does this wreath mean? It means we have been officially selected for this year's Rushes Soho Shorts, and that is ace. You can see Spin Spun Span at the festival, in the Animation Competition at some point in late July. I am not sure when because they have not finalised the program. Spin Spun Span has got into a few festivals recently, including Wimbledon Short Film Festival, where it has been shortlisted for the Best Film prize. That is in June, on the 18th, how exciting!

And that's not all! Spin Spun Span will also be showing in competition at Anima Mundi Animation Festival in Brazil, in July. I would also really love to go to Brazil, but that is not happening either. So many screenings, so little time (and money). Maybe next year!
film festival,
spin spun span
Friday, 27 May 2011
You're so cute when you're slurring your speech, but they're closing the bar and they want us to leave
This Tuesday 31st, Emily and I will be in Stoke Newington in London, at Speech Motion. Speech Motion is a monthly art-type event where they have poetry and films, and we have very kindly been asked to be this month's featured filmmakers. We'll be screening all four of our films, which includes our two separate graduation films, and then there will be a Q&A session afterwards. That's right - another opportunity to hear Emily and I babble over the top of each other! Will either of us let the other finish a sentence? How red will we go? The answer to these questions, and hopefully many more, will be found if you come join us, which I hope you do.
The evening starts around 7pm, at The Others.
The evening starts around 7pm, at The Others.
short film,
spin spun span,
sun in the night time
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Resurrected, living in a lighthouse
Remember a while ago I mentioned Behind the Light, a documentary by Ronan Glynn and Liberty Smith that Emily and I animated on...? Well, it won Shooting People's Film of the Month competition for April! The results were just announced today, and Nick Cave, of Bad Seeds fame, decided to make it the winner. Congratulations Ronan and Liberty!
Maybe this is a good time to also mention that you can still 'like' our film, Spin Spun Span, in this month's competition. We're number one on the leaderboard at the moment, but only by a few votes! The competition closes at the end of the month. Thanks to everyone who has voted so far!
Maybe this is a good time to also mention that you can still 'like' our film, Spin Spun Span, in this month's competition. We're number one on the leaderboard at the moment, but only by a few votes! The competition closes at the end of the month. Thanks to everyone who has voted so far!
When the light pressed up against your shoulder blade, I could see what you were reading
This Sunday, Nest will be at the Alternative Press Fair, and the lovely Reena will be selling some of our zines, flipbooks, zoetrope kits, and other assorted whatnot - as well as a new poster by Reena herself. Isn't it cool?
If you go along to the Nest homepage, you will see a bunch of pictures from the recent Zine Symposium. I imagine this Sunday will look much the same, i.e lots of fun.
Then, one week later on Sunday 5th June, Reena will be out and about again at the Sassoon Gallery, once again selling our stuff. I say it a lot, but Reena really is ace. I give her ten out of ten.
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
On and on and on we'll go until we freeze
There's a new website that just started called Itzon. It's a new idea for showing films and such on the internet, in that the films have a specific screening time. It's video on demand, but you don't have to spend ages searching for something to watch because it's all good stuff lined up and ready. Also, it is in full screen HD, and it's free. And, it should all be good content, as Itzon has a focus on festival winning films...which is where A Film about Poo comes in!
The film is showing on these days and times:
25-05-2011 at 15:23
27-05-2011 at 00:00
28-05-2011 at 13:26
29-05-2011 at 02:04
30-05-2011 at 07:09
31-05-2011 at 10:58
Itzon is also magical because the timings are universal. So if your scheduled listing is 7pm then it will be 7pm for everyone in all territories and time zones. Magic.
It would be fantastic if you could tune in and watch but also let me know what you think of it by voting. We are part of the itzon monthly film festival and the finalists are decided by audience votes (you do need to have an account to vote, but it literally takes seconds to create one, and is completely free).
It seems like a lot of my posts lately involve voting requests or zine fair alerts. Is this likely to change in the near future? Who can say.
The film is showing on these days and times:
25-05-2011 at 15:23
27-05-2011 at 00:00
28-05-2011 at 13:26
29-05-2011 at 02:04
30-05-2011 at 07:09
31-05-2011 at 10:58
Itzon is also magical because the timings are universal. So if your scheduled listing is 7pm then it will be 7pm for everyone in all territories and time zones. Magic.
It would be fantastic if you could tune in and watch but also let me know what you think of it by voting. We are part of the itzon monthly film festival and the finalists are decided by audience votes (you do need to have an account to vote, but it literally takes seconds to create one, and is completely free).
It seems like a lot of my posts lately involve voting requests or zine fair alerts. Is this likely to change in the near future? Who can say.
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
You can put on your bathing suits
In a stroke of promotional genius I have utterly neglected to mention that we will be at another zine fair this weekend. Not that I think this blog is a guide to the hottest tickets in town, but it is good to talk about things you are going to do, in the hope that some people may come along.
So anyway, this Saturday I will be at the Victoria Baths Fanzine Convention in Manchester with a stall of Emily&Anne zines and stuff. Sadly it will be only me on the stall as Emily is at a party and Billy is working. Hopefully some people will talk to me. The Convention is from 10am til 4pm and you can find out more if you click on this.
We will have our usual badges, zoetropes, flipbooks and whatnot for sale, plus a new batch of Poo zines as the last lot sold out at the London Zine Symposium! Also...a new zine, just by me...maybe. At the moment I have a load of animating to be doing and zines to be binding, and this new zine isn't really a physical thing at the moment. Plus I have hurt my neck. I have made a neck brace out of Billy's scarf.
The event's got a good poster:
So anyway, this Saturday I will be at the Victoria Baths Fanzine Convention in Manchester with a stall of Emily&Anne zines and stuff. Sadly it will be only me on the stall as Emily is at a party and Billy is working. Hopefully some people will talk to me. The Convention is from 10am til 4pm and you can find out more if you click on this.
We will have our usual badges, zoetropes, flipbooks and whatnot for sale, plus a new batch of Poo zines as the last lot sold out at the London Zine Symposium! Also...a new zine, just by me...maybe. At the moment I have a load of animating to be doing and zines to be binding, and this new zine isn't really a physical thing at the moment. Plus I have hurt my neck. I have made a neck brace out of Billy's scarf.
The event's got a good poster:
Thursday, 5 May 2011
There you have my vote; I'm catching the next boat out of here
We've entered Spin Spun Span in to Shooting People's Film of the Month competition, which signals another plea for you to click on a link. Would you like to click here please thank you, and watch and vote a thumbs up for us?
Animations hardly ever win Shooting People, which is sad, and I don't think representative of animation being made by Shooting People members. I'm not necessarily saying that Spin Spun Span should win (ALTHOUGH OBVIOUSLY IT SHOULD), but it would be nice if an animation got in the top 3 for once. The last animation I remember winning was by Robin Bushell (who actually graduated the year below me at Kingston) with Zoo, which is a really lovely animation about a school trip. Watch that too, cos it's good. And watch ours! And vote. I think that was my main point.
Look how pretty Spin Spun Span is:
Animations hardly ever win Shooting People, which is sad, and I don't think representative of animation being made by Shooting People members. I'm not necessarily saying that Spin Spun Span should win (ALTHOUGH OBVIOUSLY IT SHOULD), but it would be nice if an animation got in the top 3 for once. The last animation I remember winning was by Robin Bushell (who actually graduated the year below me at Kingston) with Zoo, which is a really lovely animation about a school trip. Watch that too, cos it's good. And watch ours! And vote. I think that was my main point.
Look how pretty Spin Spun Span is:
Now vote! Please.
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
There's nothing to it, anyone can try anything twice
We've entered good old Poo film in this year's Virgin Media Shorts competition. Yes, that film is two years old now, but Spin Spun Span was too long, so A Film about Poo had to step up.
If you go along and watch our film on the website, and write a nice comment, then I think it makes the judges like us better, and then we have a better chance of winning, and winning means funding for our next film, which means the talking toucan will talk sooner, for a talking toucan will be the star of our next film. So please go forth, watch and comment. Here.
If you go along and watch our film on the website, and write a nice comment, then I think it makes the judges like us better, and then we have a better chance of winning, and winning means funding for our next film, which means the talking toucan will talk sooner, for a talking toucan will be the star of our next film. So please go forth, watch and comment. Here.
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
Monday, Monday - so good to me
The East End Film Festival starts today, hurrah. The Festival lasts for 6 days across different venues around, unsurprisingly enough, East London. This year is the Festival's tenth anniversary, and to mark it, they are doing something a little extra. On May Day bank holiday there will be additional, free screenings all over the place, including A Film about Poo and Spin Spun Span! Both our films! How nice of EEFF, they have good taste. For more information about the Movie Mayday, click here.
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
You wear your skirt like a flag
A few weeks ago we finished production on a little animated film for Power Play Golf. Power Play Golf is a new version of the game, but it's dynamic and thus shorter. There's two flags on every hole, and so half the number of holes to play. On each hole you have to decide which flag to play - the Power Play flag being the harder of the two, but the one with more points.
As you may be able to tell, I am not particularly (at all) sporty, but I can draw, and so can Emily, and so we made this:
You can see the video on the Power Play Golf website too, and read more about the new game there.
Emily and I really enjoyed making this one, we lucky to work with Andy and Marcus at Power Play, who let us get creative. Well done to Puppet Orchestra too for some ace sound design.
As you may be able to tell, I am not particularly (at all) sporty, but I can draw, and so can Emily, and so we made this:
You can see the video on the Power Play Golf website too, and read more about the new game there.
Emily and I really enjoyed making this one, we lucky to work with Andy and Marcus at Power Play, who let us get creative. Well done to Puppet Orchestra too for some ace sound design.
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Idle, idle, idle, idle. Protect the nest, protect the title
It's all about zines this month, and this Sunday 17th it's the London Zine Symposium 2011. Nest will of course be there, as will some of our zines, which will be available for purchase. I think we'll have some Spin Spun Span themed badges and/or flipbooks for sale too.
Would you like to see the poster? Well here it is. You better like it...
...because Emily and I designed it!
Have fun.
Would you like to see the poster? Well here it is. You better like it...
...because Emily and I designed it!
Have fun.
les petits chiens,
now we are,
spin spun span,
Friday, 8 April 2011
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Turn up the lights in here baby, extra bright, I want y'all to see this
A little while ago, Emily and I finished work on some animated segments for a short film. Directed by Liberty Smith and Ronan Glynn, Behind the Light is a documentary about Britain's lighthouses, and the now defunct role of their keepers.
You can watch it here, and if you like it, please do vote for it in Shooting People's film of the month competition.
It was nice and quite unusual to work with another co-directing team. I think us duos should stick together. Good luck with the film Ronan and Liberty!
You can watch it here, and if you like it, please do vote for it in Shooting People's film of the month competition.
It was nice and quite unusual to work with another co-directing team. I think us duos should stick together. Good luck with the film Ronan and Liberty!
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
I want to publish zines and rage against machines
Emily and I are going to be in Oxford this Saturday for the Editions of You zine fayre. We will be selling all sorts...
Letter writing sets!
...And zines!
I think we're going to have at least five zine titles on the stall, including our new one A Book about Poo, and hopefully another new one which I, er, haven't made yet. Hopefully there will also be zoetrope kits for sale too, just as soon as I find them. I can remember tidying them away about 6 weeks ago. Where did I tidy them away to? Who can say. I don't live in a big flat, so you wouldn't think this would be a problem, but there you go...
Letter writing sets!
...And zines!
I think we're going to have at least five zine titles on the stall, including our new one A Book about Poo, and hopefully another new one which I, er, haven't made yet. Hopefully there will also be zoetrope kits for sale too, just as soon as I find them. I can remember tidying them away about 6 weeks ago. Where did I tidy them away to? Who can say. I don't live in a big flat, so you wouldn't think this would be a problem, but there you go...
les petits chiens,
now we are,
spin spun span,
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